Tuesday, August 9, 2011



I have struggled for so many years with the desire to work outside or inside my home. I had the “Super Mom” craze. You know, “you can have it all” mentality. My husband and I have been married for 20 years, and for most of those years I have been a full-time, stay-at-home mother of presently now, 9 children. I have been blessed to have a loving, involved husband who has been the sole provider practically since we became married. For many years we experienced financial hardship, but we had a strong faith in God that He would see us through.

Sometimes the financial burdens would be so great though, that it would drive me to my knees asking and pleading with God to just give me a “j-o-b” so that I could help financially. I would apply to employment agencies, seek out at-home typing positions, even doing focus groups giving my opinion (which was not hard at all, and alot of fun!) Nothing was long-term, and I still had no “j-o-b”.

I couldn’t understand why it was so difficult for me to land the right job. I would encourage my girlfriends to seek at-home work, and they’d land it! I was happy for them, but I couldn’t understand my situation. For years I would pray. Nothing. Yet, the whole time I had plenty of “j-o-bs” that kept my life very full.

After a few years of public school and being highly dissatisfied with the outcome, I chose “homeschooling”. I began to get my children involved in “extra” roles for featured films, and we were even a featured family on ABC’s “Wife Swap” back in 2008. It was fun, and I realized that I was being asked to film what I do, my “J-O-B”! what I (we) were doing was simple yet astounding. When I asked the producers what caused our family to be accepted on the show? He said, we were the most “normal” family they’ve had. Get that? The most “normal” family?! God can astound the wise with the simple things in life. I realized that if I were at someone’s “j-o-b”, I might not have had the opportunity to show that stay-home moms are doing a great work. We are preparing our nation for the next generation of leaders, and we do have a J-0-B!

My encouragement to all of my fellow stay-at-home mommies is to, “hold your position”! It won’t be long that the nestlings will take flight. You can still work while you wait, and have faith in God that there will be no good thing that He will withhold from you, especially when you do what you are “called” to do, and again....wait and, “Hold your position!”