Friday, June 22, 2012

Are Your Parental Rights Under Attack? Don't Just Sit There....Fight

                                                PARENTAL RIGHTS UNDER ATTACK?

                                              PAY ATTENTION YOU MAY BE NEXT!

Is your family under attack? Do you find yourself fighting with your own children just about every day? Are you saying to yourself more times than a few…..what in the Hell?! In case you didn’t know, we are in “Spiritual Warfare”. The spirit of “REBELLION” is like cancer in our society. More now than ever our right to “train up our children in the way that they should go” is blatantly being challenged and even "debunked". We see it time and time again in the schools. When my children were in public school (now home schooled), a parent could freely come to the school “unannounced” to sit in on the classroom, eat lunch with their child, talk with the teacher, and the school welcomed it. Try showing up “unannounced” in today’s schools and you will find yourself on the outside looking in. We see it at the doctor’s offices. There was a time when you could go with your teenaged son or daughter, sit in during the physical if you wanted to, and the medical staff wouldn’t have a thing to say about it. Try that now. You’ll find yourself WHAT?! ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN! Nowadays a parent has to get permission from their own child to sit in on or get information, yet they don’t hesitate about sending the bill!

At the helm of the desecration of the family sits “Satan” our adversary. These are but a few of the institutions “Satan” functions through to accomplish his goal of destroying the family and crippling our authority in our home and with our children. We can lay witness to the fact that many of us, if not most of us come from dysfunctional homes, so we should be a little familiar with some key weapons used against our families such as:

1) Man's loss of authority in the home (No R-E-S-P-E-C-T) sometimes not even from the wife, so you
    know the kids aren't going to pay any mind.

2) Lack of spiritual leadership and unity in the home.(DON'T NOBODY PRAY...not even at dinner)

3) Breakdown in the family due to drugs, alcohol, lust, adultery, pornography, homosexuality, which wreaks
   of  D-I-V-O-R-C-E!

4) Idolization of children which leads to trying to “PLEASE” the child rather than “TRAIN”
     and “DISCIPLINE” the child.

An example of “Satan” at work happened just a week or so ago. A well known tele-evangelist, Creflo Dollar was arrested because he "ALLEGEDLY" “struck” and “choked” his daughter. It was also "ALLEGED" that his 15 year old daughter wanted to go to a party late in the evening, and he told her she could not go. Creflo Dollar said, she became “disrespectful”, and according to Creflo D., it was at that point when things got out of hand.

Now before we go judgin’ Creflo Dollar too swiftly or harshly let’s try to put ourselves in his shoes. Remember, we all know in part, and the media in itself gets information in bits and pieces, and sometimes what they get is not the full story or the full truth. I know, I was a “reality” Mom, and I know how things get edited. We’re not talking about “abusive” parents; we’re talking about “hardworking, loving, caring, God-fearing” parents correcting their child’s behavior through discipline. Hypothetically speaking, let’s think about it…maybe Creflo Dollar had alot going on with work (just because he is a pastor doesn't mean everything is "hunky-dory").  MAYBE he had been dealing with his daughter for a while with the sucking of the teeth, or the sarcasm (and you know our society is loaded with that!)  MAYBE he himself was just worn out that day and couldn't take another "sitchee-ation"!  MAYBE...just MAYBE... this was one time too many that he has had to deal with disrespect from his children, it was late, he was bone tired, he wanted to just get under his warm sheets with his wife and get some rest before the next marathon came his way, and WHAM!  another "sitchee-ation" with one of his angels

MAYBE... YOU can recall a day that your child became disrespectful or rebellious towards you, and did not want to follow the rules in your home, cursed you, said all manner of evil against you…honestly, how did it make you feel, and what was your response? Some of you may be honest enough to admit you went completely “ballistic” on them, and hemmed their scrawny behinds to the wall! Some may say that they just ignored the action, but for most of us hard working, loving parents, all that we can think of are the sacrifices made on their behalf. The long, sleepless nights comforting and nursing them back to health when they were sick or helping out (maybe even doing the work) with a book report or science project too involved for them to do alone. The many times you had to rush home from work “dead-dog” tired just to make a soccer/football/dance recital or baseball game. Times when you struggled to keep a roof over your family’s head, food on the table and clothes on their back. How do you think you would feel if your child became defiant and disrespectful? What would your response be? Please don’t tell me you didn’t immediately want to give them the serious SMACKDOWN or at least think about it?!

I love my children, God knows I do! But I’ll kill Satan dead befo’ I let him beat me! (Color Purple) For real, but seriously, I will NEVER, EVER get used to ANY of my children being disrespectful to me, my husband or any one else! We must turn back our hearts and minds to our heavenly Father, the Alpha and Omega of fathers. I’m talking to the Christian. Going into the enemy’s camp is not the answer. Calling the police on our parents, having them arrested, testifying against them is not God’s way; it’s the world’s way, it’s “Satan’s” way. Now I am not saying that if parents “abuse” their children that they should not be punished, heaven forbid!! No, the proper authorities should step in. What should be clear is that loving parents who are disciplining a rebellious child is a parent that truly loves their child. A father, who will not discipline their child does not love them. We are to honor our mother and father so that (1) our days will be long, and that (2) it will go well with us in the land. A commandment that comes with a promise! We may not always agree with how our parents may treat us, train us, discipline us; we may even feel the rules of the house are unreasonable. The bottom line is this; children must obey their parents in the Lord, and parents must “train up” a child in the way that they should go. We have our position and they (our children) have theirs.  We must regain our position of authority in the home and with our children fearlessly and as unto God, even if that means we may have to go to jail a night or two to do it.

As a dear sweet "Old School" Minister said to our Sunday school class one Sunday, “SOME THINGS ARE WORTH GOING TO JAIL FOR”.

Keep The Faith and Keep Standing!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Raising The Roachfords: Feeling Stuck?

Raising The Roachfords: Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?


I had a talk with one of my daughters the other day. I was sitting on the front porch, sipping on a cool glass of water, dreaming of all the plants and shrubs that I wanted to beautify the front lawn with. My husband Greg was cutting the lawn, when she came out the door and asked to talk with me. She said, “Mommy, I feel stuck”. She told me that because of her learning challenges, she felt that she would never achieve her dreams, and that she wanted to go to college, and play college level soccer. She said she felt misunderstood and depressed sometimes, but when she feels this way she prays and talks with God. I was proud that she could identify what she was going through, because for many years she would be of few words. Fighting back tears, she said, “I’m trying to keep from being emotional, but sometimes the tears come and I can’t help it. She said, “Mommy, sometimes I even feel depressed”. So she asked me if I have ever felt depressed. My daughter wanted to know if “I” could identify with her. What an honor and a privilege as a mother. It was at that moment that my heart went out to my precious daughter. I felt her pain. I understood what she was going through. I know what it feels like to have a dream or desire so strong in your heart, yet feel so clueless as to whether it will become a reality or not.

Many times I have felt depressed, oppressed, and just plain ole “stuck”. Changing the way we see ourselves through the eyes of how God sees us will help us overcome those times in our life when we feel we are powerless to become the person who we want or aspire to be. Having a personal relationship with Christ also strengthens our confidence to do the things we find difficult or out of reach. We all have hidden valleys in our lives as well as mountain top experiences, but we can come out of those valleys by focusing our attention on our heavenly Father who will help us to continue this life victoriously, and will help us to be better encouragers or our children and our families.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keep On Keepin' On!

Do you ever have days when you just want to lock the door, hideaway under those covers and shout “I DON’T WANNA GO OUT THERE, IT’S SCARY and IT’S MEAN!”

I get those days sometimes. I’m glad there are more days when I’m brave, encouraged, inspired, and just feelin’ great about everything, rather than the latter! So much to contend with, and I’m not just talking about work life, but family life too! There are days when all I want to do is be “selfish”, and there are some days that I do just that! Spend the day on myself and get alone with God for a moment. I do that from time to time because it keeps me leveled and balanced. It keeps me “keepin on”.

As parents we tend to think more about the needs of our families, and totally put off a much needed doctor’s visit. We put off buying ourselves new clothing, or a decent looking set of under wear. We run to this event, and that football practice or dance recital, someone’s birthday party or sleepover. Cooking, cleaning, nursing the sick, paying bills, encouraging the discouraged when we too need some encouragement. “WE HAVE TO”to refuel, it simply is a “MUST”! Otherwise, we will find ourselves resenting our station in life, burned out and irritable, even ugly to our spouse if he/she dare tries to make light of our responsibilities. Ladies, and/or Gents (if you happen to be a stay-at-home Daddy), or a parent who works outside the home, get time for yourself and refuel. Go out with some friends or take a long drive and some pocket change for a tasty treat, and maybe buy a gift or two for yourself. If you happen to be married, go out with your spouse and just “kick it” together, anywhere just as long as you have the time and space you need to enjoy each other and relax. You may even want to go to your favorite bookstore and read the latest magazines or books if the funds happen to be low. I like spending time with my hubby when he’s off or go out with girlfriends to the movies and then have dinner. Good food, good friends, great conversation, and plenty of laughter is good for the bones!

So do it for yourself, so you can be the best you can be for you, God, and everyone who loves and depends on you. Do it so you can, “KEEP ON KEEPIN’ ON!”

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Hardest Job You'll Ever Love: Are You A Kid Pleaser?

The Hardest Job You'll Ever Love: Are You A Kid Pleaser?: "Sometimes it just gets plain old hard for me as a mother. Teaching, disciplining, encouraging, enforcing, saying the same “stuff” over a..."

Are You A Kid Pleaser?

Sometimes it just gets plain old hard for me as a mother. Teaching, disciplining, encouraging, enforcing, saying the same “stuff” over and over again. Trying not to let the kids “run” you, but rather you “run” them. A mother can really get depleted just doing the very basics. As mothers, we tend to make the mistake of trying to “please” our children, rather than doing what is necessary for them as a whole person. We fall in love with their chubby little cheeks, and angelic smile. We completely and utterly fall for this little person, and they didn't even have to work for it! We are so “psyched” about being the “Bestest Mommy Ever!”, and try to give them the whole world if we could. We tend to see this eccentric behavior in America with the “baby-boomers” or “New Age” way of parenting. Personally, I am an avid “Old-School” parent with a pinch of “New School”. I tend to believe in valuing a child's opinion while still having the final say.

Case in point, I had a friend ask me one day as we both were trying to locate a place to eat with our children, “how do you keep all of your children happy?” My response was, “I don’t”. I say we eat here, and we do. There are times when I give my children a choice, but for the most part my husband and I decide what will be. The way I see it is, my job is to train them, love them, protect them, and provide for them, and to give them standards that will benefit them in the long run. It never was my job to “make them happy”, although when I started out having children, I made the mistake of trying to do so.

Of course, I enjoy seeing them happy through the home that God has provided us, the people, places, and things that God has allowed us to enjoy. But, my personal mission, and God-given “call” as a mother is to love them enough to discipline them, inspire and expect their very best, to provide borders and boundaries for their protection, and to guide and advise them when “life” starts happening.

I have witnessed plenty of parents today, who are more concerned with external things rather than eternal. The standards that we set for ourselves should also be one our children can follow, use, and prosper by when they are grown. No doubt, training them is no small feat, it will require a “no-nonsense”, “who’s the parent”, “you “get” what you want, when you “give” what is required” type attitude. You shouldn't try to be your child’s friend when you have to make a “grown-up' decision. Some decisions are totally for the parent to make. Leadership requires a "Leader".

Take for instance, the workplace. If your supervisor is also your friend, it is important that your supervisor make things very clear with you as to their authority when it comes to your position and responsibilities. If the supervisor allows the co-worker/friend to arrive to work late, and take long lunch breaks that supervisor will eventually see first hand the creation of “Franken-worker”. An insubordinate, willful, rebellious worker who will destroy that supervisor's credibility as a leader. The supervisor will eventually have to make hard decisions regarding that employee. Training our children is similar in nature. If we allow our “affinity” towards our child to supercede mature and just decisions, crippling our ability to set and enforce standards, we will eventually see the demise of our own authority and influence over them.

I am totally in support of enjoying the children God has given us, but couple that enjoyment with a sober and clear mind as to where the lines divide between parenting and trying to be “friends” with our children. The day will come when you will have to use pretty strong judgment, and you need a firm hand and a loving heart to do that.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You Don't Have to Spend Alot to Get Alot

You Don’t Have to Spend Alot to Get Alot

This morning the plan was to go ”rivertubing” in Helen, GA. It was one of those “daycations” everyone is talking about in light of the economic downturn we are experiencing across the country. We got up fairly late considering our trip would take 2.5 hrs according Mapquest. We had not yet started our homeschool classes, so we are still in “summer mode”.
Hubby works a pretty good shift which allows time for short excursions with the family, for which I am eternally grateful to God.

Somewhere in between our decision to go, and everyone getting breakfast, the plan changed. Everyone unanimously decided that they didn’t want to take the 2.5 hour “hot” ride (no AC) to Helen. So we decided to go to a local public pool, Okay, so we “googled” public pools in our local area, and most everyone had closed their pools for either the latter half of the day or to the weekend. Not good. So, I thought about a beach lake that I took the kids to often last year. Hadn’t been there for a while, because of the crowd. I’m not too fond of rubbing backsides with people I don’t know.

Anyhoo, the good thing is that for the most part many public and private school’s are in, and we’re not! So off we went to Indian Springs State Park, right in our own backyard. The drive was a scenic countryside roadtrip of about 20 minutes. It was great! Practically had the beach area to ourselves, and know what the price of admission was? 5 bucks! Just five dollars and we had a glorious time in God’s beautiful green, tranquil, Jackson Lake! Didn’t spend much in gas, which meant extra $$ for pizza at the park, yay! So, instead of spending alot of money going to far away places or expensive acquariums and museums, find a local outdoorsie spot. You will find that you will gain awhole lot without spending a lot!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011



I have struggled for so many years with the desire to work outside or inside my home. I had the “Super Mom” craze. You know, “you can have it all” mentality. My husband and I have been married for 20 years, and for most of those years I have been a full-time, stay-at-home mother of presently now, 9 children. I have been blessed to have a loving, involved husband who has been the sole provider practically since we became married. For many years we experienced financial hardship, but we had a strong faith in God that He would see us through.

Sometimes the financial burdens would be so great though, that it would drive me to my knees asking and pleading with God to just give me a “j-o-b” so that I could help financially. I would apply to employment agencies, seek out at-home typing positions, even doing focus groups giving my opinion (which was not hard at all, and alot of fun!) Nothing was long-term, and I still had no “j-o-b”.

I couldn’t understand why it was so difficult for me to land the right job. I would encourage my girlfriends to seek at-home work, and they’d land it! I was happy for them, but I couldn’t understand my situation. For years I would pray. Nothing. Yet, the whole time I had plenty of “j-o-bs” that kept my life very full.

After a few years of public school and being highly dissatisfied with the outcome, I chose “homeschooling”. I began to get my children involved in “extra” roles for featured films, and we were even a featured family on ABC’s “Wife Swap” back in 2008. It was fun, and I realized that I was being asked to film what I do, my “J-O-B”! what I (we) were doing was simple yet astounding. When I asked the producers what caused our family to be accepted on the show? He said, we were the most “normal” family they’ve had. Get that? The most “normal” family?! God can astound the wise with the simple things in life. I realized that if I were at someone’s “j-o-b”, I might not have had the opportunity to show that stay-home moms are doing a great work. We are preparing our nation for the next generation of leaders, and we do have a J-0-B!

My encouragement to all of my fellow stay-at-home mommies is to, “hold your position”! It won’t be long that the nestlings will take flight. You can still work while you wait, and have faith in God that there will be no good thing that He will withhold from you, especially when you do what you are “called” to do, and again....wait and, “Hold your position!”

Wednesday, August 3, 2011



I was just online with a "Mr. Andrew Rogers" of the Aetna Casualty and Life Company. He contacted me via email and asked that I make an account with Yahoo Messenger so that we could set up an online interview. I was skeptical at first because it was the first time any employer has requested such an interview. Everything sounded great and the perfect work setup. He told me his background and the company's background (which was copy/pasted). Everything sounded great up until he got to the part of $412.00 for a laptop (that I don't need). *See below. When I began to ask for "validity" information, he became defensive, which made me even more skeptical. In turn he asked for my contact number, and I replied, "if you have my resume, then you have my number". That is when this particular "scam artists" scam began spiraling. I then "googled" Aetna and the address he gave and "Lo" and "Behold" I contacted their directory and the operator told me that there were no employees by the name of "ANDREW ROGERS", and that it is a scam.

WATCH OUT PEOPLE! We have "employment predators" posing as recruiters and preying on unwitting employment seekers. These low-down bottom feeders are taking advantage of the state of our economy and the lack of jobs available.


Andrew Rogers: Hello how are you doing?

valdoraroachford: I'm fine thank you.

Andrew Rogers: Are you set for the job briefing and interview ?

valdoraroachford: Yes

Andrew Rogers: I am Mr. Andrew rogers. I received my B.A. in French from Louisiana State University in Eunice, LA just west of New Orleans. I also studied accounting at the University of New Orleans. I have been with the Aetna Company for three years now. I work for an accounting team and I am here to briefly interview you about the opening position. Are you ready for the briefing and interview process to begin?

valdoraroachford: Yes, I am.

Andrew Rogers: Okay

Andrew Rogers: Mayo clinic would like to welcome you to their company.

valdoraroachford: Thank you

Andrew Rogers: Our company's mission, values, and goals, are expressed the Aetna way. The Aetna way encompasses our shared sense of purpose and provides clarity as we pursue our operational and strategic goals.

Andrew Rogers: Which of the following available positions will you be applying for: Data Entry Clerk, Accounting Clerk Bookkeeper, Accounting Executive, Clerical Administrator, Payroll, or Medical Biller?

valdoraroachford: Clerical Administrator

Andrew Rogers: Okay

Andrew Rogers: Here are some interesting facts we think you'd like to know about the job and our company:

Andrew Rogers:
We are currently located at 151 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT 06156. Soon we will be setting up a few branches near your location. That is why we are looking for 16 new hires to work from home. Once the new branches have been built at your location, you can either chose to work in a office or continue working from home.

Andrew Rogers:
Our company has been focusing mainly on health care, but is now expanding to hire a data entry clerks and administrative assistants that work from home. This is in order to create more employment opportunities for people who live in less privileged communities and the physically disabled. This also helps to decrease the rate of unemployment in the country which benefits the economy.

valdoraroachford: It is exactly what I have been looking for.

Andrew Rogers: We are currently looking for staff to work from home as an accounting clerk. Working hours are flexible. You will be getting a one-week training period with your training supervisor online. She will be training to use the specific software you will need to work with as a data entry clerk or an administrative clerk.

valdoraroachford: Great.

Andrew Rogers: This position is currently only available online as a work-from-home job. This means that everything is being taken care of online from a remote access point. Eventually, you will be able to choose whether or not you want to continue working from home or work in the office. Working hours are flexible and when working from home, you have the benefit of choosing where you want to do your work. For example, one may choose to work using a wireless internet connection right on the beach!

valdoraroachford: Sounds great.

Andrew Rogers:
The pay rate is $25 per hour and training is $20 per hour. Our employees are payed every Friday via direct deposit or pay check. Working part-time is a minimum of 20 hours per week and full-time is a minimum of 40 hours weekly.

valdoraroachford: Great.

Andrew Rogers: Business hours are between 8am to 4pm CST however the working hours are flexible and you can choose hours that will work best for you. All activities and correspondence time are to be recorded in the Excel spreadsheet that will be coming along with your working materials.

valdoraroachford: Okay.

Andrew Rogers: Remember, working hours are flexible! All activities and correspondence time are to be recorded in an Excel spreadsheet. As for your duties, I will gladly assist you with any difficulties you may have through email.

valdoraroachford: It sounds like the perfect work experience!

Andrew Rogers: Here are the duties and responsibilities for your position: Tracking data and source documents, preparing and sorting source documents, identifying and interpreting data to be entered, compiling, sorting and verifying data for accuracy, contacting responsible parties to resolve moderately complex questions, inconsistencies, or missing data, entering alphabetic, numeric, or symbolic data from source documents into computer following format displayed on screen, and entering necessary codes, comparing data entered with source documents, identifying errors and subsequently correcting those errors, filing or routing source documents after entry, responding to inquires regarding entered data, maintaining daily count of work processed, creating periodic reports for management, performing routine

Andrew Rogers: All of which will be done through the use of a specific accounting software. The supervisor, who will be connected to you online, will assign logs of duty daily and you will be required to follow instructions to the detail using Microsoft Office and a specialized accounting software. The function of the accounting software is to arrange, formalize, and manage the data you have processed which you will then send to your supervisor via e-mail.

valdoraroachford: Okay.

Andrew Rogers: You will undergo a week training from your training supervisor. During that time, he will be training you to work with the company-specific programs with much accuracy and other data entry tasks you will need to get done. Your training will be conducted online through your PC or cell phone.

valdoraroachford: Okay.

Andrew Rogers:
The following software are what you will be working with: PeachTree, MYOB, QuickBooks, NetSuite

valdoraroachford: Okay

Andrew Rogers: The company will provide you with an HP laptop with a fast and reliable internet connection. Your W-4 form will be arriving shortly with the other working materials you need to start earning money with our company. You will be required to purchase the software you will be working with and the company will have you reimbursed for your order. You will need to place an order with a certified vendor and trusted third-party company who will then have the programs installed free of charge on your company laptop. It will be sent to you via overnight shipping from FedEx.

valdoraroachford: Okay.

Andrew Rogers: Initially, the software will cost $412 but you will also be trained by your supervisor on how to navigate the programs. Note that you will also be paid during training and for all hours that you work. Also note that you will be reimbursed for this investment. The credit will arrive with your first paycheck. Our employees are paid once a week every Friday. You will need to purchase the software from the shipping agent who we have been conducting business with for years. The only payment method accepted is by Money Gram. Once you have placed your order, the package will be shipped to you via FedEx overnight delivery.

valdoraroachford: What will be the cost?

valdoraroachford: Okay

valdoraroachford: I have a question.

valdoraroachford: Is there a reason why the payment method is accepted by Money Gram ONLY?

Andrew Rogers: the software will cost $412 but you will also be trained by your supervisor on how to navigate the programs. Note that you will also be paid during training and for all hours that you work. Also note that you will be reimbursed for this investment. The credit will arrive with your first paycheck.

Andrew Rogers: Yes

Andrew Rogers: Can you handle the cost ?

valdoraroachford: I may have some difficulties with that, yes.

Andrew Rogers: Okay

Andrew Rogers: Should the vendors be notified about the purchase of the software ?

valdoraroachford: Please excuse my skepticism, but with so many scams on the web, I am a bit apprehensive.

valdoraroachford: You wouldn't mind if I do a bit of homework before venturing?

Andrew Rogers: i'm 48 years old with three grandchildren. I prefer to spend what little time I have left on earth with my children, not creating elaborate scams. I personally know how it feels to have your hard-earned money taken from you by some arrogant jerk. I cringe when I even hear the word scam. I would never go so low as to get involved with any of that sort of shameful activity.

Andrew Rogers: I understand why you are feeling skeptical, as an average consumer, I would be hesitant as well. Don't let your skepticism get in the way of a truly promising opportunity for you.

Andrew Rogers: I just want you to know the company is not here to hot but to help you and your family

valdoraroachford: Do you have more contact information that I may use to at the least verify validity?

valdoraroachford: A company HR contact perhaps?

Andrew Rogers: provide me with your number ?

valdoraroachford: If you have my resume, you have the number.

Andrew Rogers: I know that just want to e sure

Andrew Rogers: be*

valdoraroachford: Is there contact information to verify validity?

valdoraroachford: I want you to understand my position, I will be sending money to a company or (person) that I have never met. Surely, you can understand my need for "validity".

Andrew Rogers: Okay hold

Andrew Rogers: 225-272-9189

Andrew Rogers: Got it

Andrew Rogers: ?

valdoraroachford: yes

valdoraroachford: Mr. Rogers, you will be happy to know that I have contacted the company and they have deemed you as being a "fraud". Nice try, but God doesn't create fools.

valdoraroachford: I will notify the proper authorities.

Andrew Rogers has signed out. (8/3/2011 12:14 PM)